Seeking Home

Seeking Home

Our family has been given the unexpected opportunity to move into a bigger home this season, an abundant provision that we don’t deserve. We’re filled with gratitude, cautiously hopeful for a little more space, a little more sanity. It’s been so much fun walking through homes, imagining how we might use or reinvent each space. A backyard for planting trees and hosting friends, a formal dining room repurposed into a playroom, a sweet hallway nook transformed into a reading corner for our budding bookworm. 

After living in various tiny spaces over the past five years, we’ve learned to make the most of minimal square footage, but we’re also yearning for a bit more breathing room. It’ll be wonderful not to shove stray toys behind the TV :) 

If this past year of healing, detoxing social media, and seeking truth has taught me anything, it is that this life is meant to be intimately shared with the people we’ve been given to love, for a purpose greater than ourselves. As we slowly begin preparing to lay some roots in a larger space, I’m reminded that everything we have is meant to be shared, offered generously to the people in our communities. Hopefully this means that a more spacious kitchen will allow for hosting more communal meals with family and friends, a larger living area more playdates with little friends in our neighborhood. 

We have no idea the house we’ll end up in - whether we’ll have hardwood or carpet, a patch of lawn or a strip of concrete - but we do know that the purpose of the home will remain the same: to live with open doors in an increasingly isolated world. Our homes are not meant to be staged and photographed, but fully lived in and shared. Here's to embracing more loads of dishes and larger piles of laundry for the joy of full bellies and fuller hearts, to offering our couches for sitting with friends going through difficult seasons or a comfy spare room for far away family in town.

Feeling so grateful and excited for what lies ahead.

with open hands,

For more thoughts on home, a post on neighboring well here, on making home here, and on gratitude here.

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