A New Name October 30, 2019 I remember staring at myself in a dressing room mirror a few months after Haley was born, trying to figure out who the girl in the reflection was. She looked...
Swallowtails October 23, 2019 For our 5th anniversary last year, Clarence built me a raised garden bed. It's appropriately known as the wood anniversary, he said (love you, husband). I had just taken a gardening...
Seeking Home October 16, 2019 Our family has been given the unexpected opportunity to move into a bigger home this season, an abundant provision that we don’t deserve. We’re filled with gratitude, cautiously hopeful for...
On Rest (Again) October 09, 2019 Lately, my 3-year-old has been engaging in a nightly battle of I don’t wanna go to bed. My weapon of choice has been threats of her Elsa Halloween costume heading straight...
New York, Anew October 02, 2019 A close friend’s wedding in New York last week was the perfect excuse for a mini-trip for our family, a timely getaway in the midst of a heavy season of...
Considered Consumerism September 25, 2019 You may have seen glimpses on Instagram, but we’re definitely a Christmas in July (perhaps even more like March) kind of business. There are catalogs to be prepared, newsletters slated,...
Mine, Yours, Ours September 18, 2019 We’ve officially entered toddler land, where things nosedive from sweet to sour in about .5 seconds. This morning: a perfectly pleasant morning at our local park followed by a full-blown...
Change September 11, 2019 This season has brought so much unanticipated change both personally and here at Our Heiday. Navigating unexpected roads keeps our stories interesting and full of depth, like all the classics...
The Courage to Be Yourself September 04, 2019 Yesterday, I watched my almost 18-month-old dance her heart out to some VBS songs, and I mean literally her heart out. She was full on squat-clapping (she made this move up, so impressive), swinging...
Eleven Years. August 28, 2019 I know it may seem silly and superfluous to celebrate a dating anniversary once you also have a wedding anniversary, but I’ve always loved acknowledging that summer day (eleven years...
Words August 21, 2019 When I read or hear stories about other parents’ toddler seasons, there are so many things that ring true - the testing of boundaries, the endless ways to avoid bedtime,...
Making Home. August 14, 2019 When we first bought our home a few years ago, I sat in the complex, unfamiliar reality of loving and hating something at the same time. We had moved for...