Hello from Tokyo! I’m sitting in the dark next to a sleeping toddler and the sound of the water running from the shower as we settle in after a full day, bellies content from the kobe beef we splurged on for dinner. Traveling in a big city with six adults, a three year old, and 15 month old is no easy feat, but daily I’m so grateful for this amazing adventure we’re on, the blessing of this opportunity.
We were scheduled to arrive midday on Saturday, but our flight Friday was cancelled due to some odd computer issues (far more possible on these newer planes apparently) and we unexpectedly spent the night at the Sheraton LAX before flying out Saturday morning (what a big bummer, Delta!). Given that Dot and I had only a couple of days to explore Tokyo before fully transitioning to work mode, we were disappointed by the loss of a day, but made the most of Monday taking in the sights at Tokyo Station and Shibuya and all the deliciousness they had to offer. Would definitely recommend the tonkatsu at Maisen.
Watching our girls grow together is one of my favorite things in the world; Charlotte’s nurturing tenderness toward Haley and Haley’s sheer delight of Charlotte as they navigate all of these changes in their daily routines - so humbling. How we were entrusted with these two little ladies is just beyond.

The majority of Tuesday was show prep and reflecting on our first day tonight, I can’t even begin to describe how this experience has already grown and stretched us. More on this when we return, but it seems not just a happy coincidence that we’re celebrating our 5th year tomorrow here in Tokyo.
Thank you so much for all of your support since the beginning, friends. We absolutely would not be here without you and we don’t ever forget it. Please celebrate with us as we kick off our huge anniversary sale on the 27th!
with a full heart,